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Making Goals are Easy. Committing to Them Is Harder

by Eric Twiggs, CEO and Founder, The What Now Movement

There is a famous story told about a chicken and a pig. One day the chicken had an “entrepreneurial seizure” and decided that the two should start their own restaurant.

“Great idea” says the pig. “What shall we name our restaurant?”

To which the chicken replies “Ham and Eggs!”

The pig’s response is classic: “No way! As the pig, I’d be committed, while you’d only be involved!”

When it comes to your goals, are you committed or involved?

Most people are committed to creating the goal but only involved when it comes to execution.

By now, you may be thinking, “Sounds great Eric, but what can I do to commit to my goals this year?”

Keep reading to discover two strategies to help you go “all in!”

Fast Forward To Your Future

In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey coined the following phrase: “Begin with the end in mind.”

This is great advice, but the challenge is that we tend to become detached from goals that are off in the distant future. A distant desire will lack the emotion that drives you into action.

Therefore, you must fast forward to your future.

Imagine that it’s December of 2022 and you are talking to yourself. You say “Self, this has been the best year ever!”

What three to five specific things would need to happen for you to feel this way? These items would represent your goals for the year.

Next, ask yourself WHY you want these goals. Don’t stop asking why until you get down to how it will make you feel. For example, your goal of launching your business will give you a feeling of freedom.

Your goal of $2.5 million dollars in sales will give you a feeling of security.

These feelings are what will inspire you to act. You can connect to these feelings by fast forwarding to your future.

Think on Paper

Dr. Gail Matthews, Professor at the Dominican University of California, conducted a study of a sampling of business professionals who had set goals for themselves.

She concluded that those who had written goals were 33% more successful than those who didn’t. In other words, A goal that isn’t written down is merely a wish.

Writing down your goals activates your subconscious mind and helps you to see goal achievement opportunities that were always there, but went unnoticed.

This reminds me of when I went to the dealership and test drove a silver Toyota Camry.

After leaving the lot, it seemed like every car on the road was a silver Toyota Camry. I saw them everywhere! It was as if everyone went out and bought one!

There were always Silver Camry’s on the road, but test driving the car caused a shift in my focus. This is how writing your goals down works.

It will shift your focus and cause you to see opportunities for success that have always been there but went unnoticed.

Thinking on paper makes it easier to commit to your goal.


So, there you have it. When you reflect on your 2021 goals, can you relate with the chicken or the pig?

If you fast forward to your future and think on paper, you won’t be “chicken” when it comes to committing to your goals this year!


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