Listen to Eric's Procrastination Prevention Interview on The MBA Entrepreneur's Podcast
Procrastination is a major barrier that prevents many small business owners from taking their businesses to the next level. A habitual procrastinator hardly gets important things done on time. And like in every human activity, a delay is

dangerous in business. Procrastination can make you miss out on great business opportunities, making it difficult for you to reach your business goals. In Today's podcast, Eric Twiggs from What Now Movement and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, a leading provider of small business loans such as a business line of credit discuss five steps business owners can utilize to beat procrastination.
Listen to the Podcast or read the summary by clicking here: Business Owner Procrastination: Your 5 Steps Plan to Beat Procrastination & Become More Productive
We're discussing Eric's book, The Discipline of Now, all year during our Coffee and Conversation podcast. RSVP below and STOP using procrastinating as one of your barriers to success.
Purchase your copy and follow along with us during Coffee and Conversation.